Living Foods Dehydrator

As promised, this post is about our wonderful dehydrator.  We like our dehydrator. Actually, we really, really like our dehydrator.  As a matter-of-fact, we love our dehydrator!


We purchased it several years ago and have dried all sorts of food from our gardens and orchards with it.  One of Willie’s favorite things to do is walk through the food pantry naming all the different dried goods he can see…..sweet corn, peppers (sweet, cayenne, & chili), onions, garlic, green beans, okra, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes (large & cherry), raisins, apples, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and over 15 different herbs!!!  Yes, he’s a growing boy and really likes food.

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There’s a lot of information on the internet and in books about drying foods, but it does take a bit of trial and error to figure out exactly what you can ‘get away with.’  There are many things to consider since each food has a different moisture content and each dehydrator is different, too.  Some also have a skin on them, which can hold moisture in. Some you can slice thicker while others must be sliced thin lest they get moldy from a longer drying time.

But drying foods is really a lot of fun.  Tomatoes, though very tasty fresh from the garden, suddenly turn into sweet candy!  Onions turn into delicious, little chewy snacks.  You can make your own pepper flakes, chili powder, garlic powder, and the list goes on and on…

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We purchased our Living Foods Dehydrator from  They have a lot of good information on their website and also sell an informative book about drying foods. They offer two different sizes to suit different needs or available space you may have.  The Mini has 7.32 sq. ft. of drying space, while The Master has a capacity of up to 21.98 sq. ft.!  You can dehydrate one trays worth, fill up the whole dehydrator, or anywhere in between.

The heating element is called a WAG.  Here’s a snippet from their website about it:


The WAG control is adjustable and provides an even, constant heat. It was created specifically for the low temperature requirements of food drying and can operate safely for 24 hours a day for day after day.

  • Safe
  • Thermostatically controlled
  • Designed for long-term constant use
  • Clean and quiet
  • Efficient and cheap to run
  • Dependable
  • Best possible heat source for producing top-quality dried foods
  • Only uses about as much power as a large light bulb

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One trick we learned is to put really wet foods, like large tomato slices, on the trays and then in the sun or greenhouse during the day to begin the drying process.  Then, you can simply transfer the trays to the dehydrator in the evening to ensure it continues drying quickly and doesn’t grow any mold.


Dehydrating food is most certainly a more sustainable method of food preservation than freezing or even canning.  A little cost up front, to purchase a dehydrator, but then no reoccurring costs such as you’d have in freezer upkeep.  Some dehydrating can also be done in the oven or strictly in the sun, but this is much more limited than a good, efficient dehydrator.

If you’ve never tried dehydrating food, harvest time is a great time of year to begin!  After your first drying experiment, share your results in the comment section below.  We’d love to hear about it!

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36 Responses to Living Foods Dehydrator

  1. David says:

    Do you do anything special to seal your jars? Vacuum seal or oxygen absorbers?

    • David says:

      No, nothing special. We just use the two piece canning lids on whichever size jar we’re storing dried goods in. The rubber seal on the two piece lid is enough to keep air out; the plastic lids that are available would not seal well enough.

    • Sam says:

      David, I use a regular vacuum seal mason jar attachment to my Foodsaver and find that it helps keep my items fresh in mason jars.

  2. Brandi Lewis says:

    Sure do miss Gen she was a huge part of my teen years and helped me get healthy!! The best dehydrator you will ever own!!!!

  3. Elisa says:


    I am having trouble figuring out how/where to purchase a Living Foods Dehydrator. Their website seems to be down, are they out of operation? Thanks!


  4. Karin says:

    Does anyone know how to get a hold of Gen MacManiman’s family to ask if they have any WAG heaters still available or if there is another supplier that has them. I’ve had my Living Foods Dehydrator for about 40 years and ordered new screening before they stopped working their business, but I would really appreciate a new WAG.

    • Shannon Leska says:

      Karin! Hi! Did you get any information about the LF Dehydrator heaters? I am also in search of a Dehydrator, and cannot figure out how to find one. I would appreciate any insight:)
      Best wishes, Shannon

      • Sam says:

        Karin, Gen MacManiman’s book Dry It You’ll Like It has full instructions on how to construct a Living Foods Dehydrator. You can buy a copy of the book used on ebay or Amazon. You can hand the instructions to a handyman or someone handy who wants a project and ask them to build it for you. Gen passed away and her family is no longer making the dehydrators.

      • Lori Lautar says:

        I have one for sale

    • Sam says:

      Hi Karin,

      I have a copy of the Dry It You’ll Like it book by Gen Macmaniman, and in it it says the WAG is Broan fan type wall insert 133. You can try contacting Broan manufacturing for it. Also, I have Gen’s family’s contact info if you need it.

  5. Kathryn says:

    where can I purchase a dehydrator like the one you have pictured?

  6. Nova Kim says:

    Do the W.A.G units ever turn up for sale? We made our dehydrators from their book and at one time had four W.A.G.s. Over the years we have shared their contacts and shared our heating units. Now, as we are older we want to go back to our heavy dehydrating. However, we had kept 2 units but a few years ago gave one of them to encourage a relative to start dehydrating her herbs.
    Now, I need at least one more.
    Any help or recommendations will be greatly appreciated!

  7. Randy says:

    Pardon my advertisement but if you are still looking for one I just posted the one I built many moons ago on Seattle Craigslist. I’m near Arlington, WA.

  8. MR B says:

    I have one and have patched the WAG a few times to keep it going, you may be able to snag a new cheating element fron an old electric heater. I also contiimplated using 4 or 5 reptile heating ceramics as the WAG.

    The part I stuggle with is the high quality trays, they used some sort of mess that is not from a screen door.

    To bad they appear no longer in bussiness

  9. Jim Slife says:

    Hi. I already have a WAG. Very similar to pictured one. The infinite switch is going bad. Do you sell the switch? If not, can you tell me what I need? Thanks, Jim

  10. Elisha says:

    Would anyone here have a lead on the screening that was used. Ours is in need of replacement. Much appreciated;)

  11. Alan Dye says:

    Looking for a Living Foods Dehydrators to buy. Where can I find one ?

  12. Jim says:

    We have just finished building the Dehydrator from the “Dry it you’ll like it” book. My Mother in law had one of these on her back porch for many years and they work great. We also need a “WAG”. Any ideas? Thanks.

  13. Valerie says:

    I just learned about this hydrator and too am interested in getting one. Any information please?

  14. Bonjour, est-ce que ce site existe encore ?
    J’ai acheté un kit pour construire mon propre déshydrateur en 2004, et je cherche du “screen” identique pour remplacer mes tiroirs…..

  15. valeri says:

    hello- we bought one years ago- our trays are now worn out- we need fabric to rebuild the trays- but cannot find a source- for food grade material that won’t leach toxins into the food- anyone know about fabrics or where to purchase- love to hear from you- valeri
    thanks in advance!

  16. Greg Peterson says:

    Any chance you could give me the specs on the WAG heater. I have the book but it doesn’t say a lot about it. I would really appreciate it. God Bless You!

  17. George Eusterman says:

    My WAG heater shorted recently as we got it out of storage and plugged it in. The coil had come loose and was touching there ground screen and shorted 6″ off. I re-stretched the coil but cannot get more that 85 degrees. I found an old electric skillet and put it on a metal can just under the WAG and was able to hit 100 degrees and got our drying done! I am not finding the proper coil spring element size (3/16) of the original. Might just buy 6′ of the .25″ size and see what happens.

  18. Lori says:

    I have a living foods dehydrator for sale. It’s used but it’s in good condition. It’s the largest one they make. I live near Pittsburgh pa.

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